
“Heavy metal seems to attract all sorts of scruffy, lost animals, strays no one wants” - Kirk Hammett


Wirkkala /VIRK-kahlah/ is the name of my musical solo project

I started writing music at 15 years old, shortly after my dad bought me my first guitar. I abused an Acer computer with Cakewalk to try and record it, but apparently 120Mb of RAM were not enough, so I started recording ideas with an actual tape recorder.

Around 2004 I joined Flagg, a punk/metal/hardcore band from Mexico City, covering guitar duties. With them I received my first writing credit, a song called Rivers, recorded for an EP titled Evil Inside.

After leaving Flagg I joined forces with a childhood friend, drummer Salvador Sagrero, and started writing music that was a little bit more intricate. At the same time, I fell into a black hole of progressive rock, progressive metal and art rock, which influenced my writing style.

In 2020 after too many years without a proper recording, I decided to teach myself music production, and with the help of incredible musicians and producers I am in the process of recording my first album Episodic Dreamer. A small selection of the songs I’m most proud of, which are not surprisingly very few.

Below you can check out my first single Danza del Sur.

Danza del Sur
Written and performed by Marco Sanchez Gutierrez
Produced by Marco Sanchez Gutierrez and Jordan Moser
Cover art by Marco Sanchez Gutierrez
Cover photography Lucia Estela Gutierrez
Courtesy of Pushka Records